Increasing the volume of the breast is called augmentation mamaplasty. And there two methods , slicone implant ( silicone prosthesis) surgery and fat injection taken from patients own tissues. But the most reliable , predictable , acceptible and durable one is prosthesis application. Fat tissuse transvers is unpredictable and also limited in amount of changing volume. Breast aumentaton is done under general anesthesia ( completely sleep ) and surgery last 1-1,5 hours. After surgery patients can be discharged from hospital at the day of surgery. But my preference is one night staying at hospital to control postoperative discomfort like pain, nausea etc.There two anatomical plan to put silicone implant. One is under pectoral muscle ( called submuscular plan ) and under mammary gland ( called subglandular plan ) In general two incision side is used ; periareolar ( at the edge of coloured areola ) and inframamarial ( at breast fold ) . Decision of the size and the shape of the prosthesis is depends on patients desires, anatomical measurements of breast itself, tissue quality and existance of sagging or not.
Who can get benefit from augmentation mamaplasty;
underdeveloped breast ( hypoplasia ) ,
volume loss after weigth loss or breast feeding ,
breast with limited amaount of sagging
or any women who wants bigger breast then she has.